Club Social Tennis Wednesdays 7pm - 9pm

<p>A great way to meet other members of the club and play tennis with new people. Simply turn up and play. Open to all members. €2 per person covers cost of lights, balls and refreshments. Ask to be included in the Whatsapp group.</p>

Membership Options

Valid up to next June
EUR 100.00 per individual
Register now
You must be a current adult member of another club. Valid up to next June
EUR 70.00 per individual
Register now
The main family residence must be over 200 Kms from the ButtHall tennis club. Valid up to next June
EUR 100.00 per family
Register now
You must be a current student member of another club.
EUR 30.00 per individual
Register now
Valid up to next June
EUR 200.00 per family
Register now
Valid up to next June
EUR 40.00 per individual
Register now
You must be 65 or over. Valid up to next June
EUR 70.00 per individual
Register now

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